Two Turken Roos gotta go... darn


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
Well I've tried to keep peace around here but my two Turken Roos, Goldie and Flat Top have to go. They have suddenly decided to start attacking my mother! I got home tonight and there was a really big stick leaning against the fence by the gate. I asked my mom if she knew why it was there and she said it was to whack my two boys because today the Red one,, Goldie, drew blood on her leg. She hadn't mentioned any other trouble to me, she didn't want me upset. But I can't have them here if they are going to do that. I'll take them to the swap meet or the feed store this weekend I guess. If anyone is close and wants them let me know quick. Thier pics are on the Turken contest page, I'll try and get them on later.

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