Tylan powder...


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
North East Pennsylvania.
My mom came home with this vet only tylan powder.. I know nothing of it and her friend had it and said that it can be used for ducks for something????? But when I looked it up im finding is that its used for dogs and cats for colitis and chronic dirreah, Dose anyone know what this lady means by it can be used for ducks or is she thinking of something else????
My mom came home with this vet only tylan powder.. I know nothing of it and her friend had it and said that it can be used for ducks for something????? But when I looked it up im finding is that its used for dogs and cats for colitis and chronic dirreah, Dose anyone know what this lady means by it can be used for ducks or is she thinking of something else????

Tylan is used for Mycoplasma Gallisepticum, sinusitis and respiratory infections.
So if any of that where to occur with my ducks i would be able to give it to them.. and im guessing it would be wise to keep it around rather then tossing it?

I don't like to give antibiotics, but I do have some in my animal med chest. Haven't had to use them though thank goodness. Here is a link to answer your questions. then you decide. Tylan is very expensive so I think having it on hand would be a good idea, ducks are very hardy as long as kept in clean housing and feed a good quality diet.
https://www.google.com/search?client=gmail&rls=gm&q=Is Tylan save to give to ducks&gmexp=c

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