So many people put up pictures of their beautiful chicken houses, but ugly chicken houses matter too, and are functional. My coop is not unlike the Winchester house, which started out smaller, but had many additions over the years, not all pretty but in my case useful. My first design was just a square house with good man built bones and had 2 awnings of the ends. Well the ends got filled. Below is a drawing of the lay out...and it faces North. first room to left top is a baby chick area, with sun window. it only gets evening sun. The other long room to the right of that, is a walk way from main room to the feed room. The main room is the area build by a man. Roosts and nest boxes in there.
The nice thing about my coop is I can close it up, and the feed room and the other covered porch would be a good out door area, and they would not feel too trapped in side. All little pop doors open to another room. The SS hen below is "Sophie".
Above is a pic of the coop facing south and this is what the neighbors see. But it is far enough in the distance, it is not that bad of an eye sore. You can see the baby chick sun room they are not too little and don't need heat at this point. You can also see the orange walk way from the main area to the feed room. These are the baby chicks in the baby chick sun room.
They are store bought but for the little rooster, I hatched him from some eggs earlier in season, and only kept him because he had a splay leg as a chick, he is better now.
Here is the feed room side of my coop. (I got the chick above at 4 weeks old, and gave him to the welsummer hen he is with who had a hurt wing. I think helping to raise the chick healed her wing. The chick is now about 9 weeks old or more.) Also note the buckets out to catch rain water.
This other side is just a walk through area, or in this case rain shelter for the hens. All my ad ons look terrible, but they are functional, and in good use. I may or may not change a thing.
Would anyone else like to show their "ugly coop" with pride?
The nice thing about my coop is I can close it up, and the feed room and the other covered porch would be a good out door area, and they would not feel too trapped in side. All little pop doors open to another room. The SS hen below is "Sophie".
Above is a pic of the coop facing south and this is what the neighbors see. But it is far enough in the distance, it is not that bad of an eye sore. You can see the baby chick sun room they are not too little and don't need heat at this point. You can also see the orange walk way from the main area to the feed room. These are the baby chicks in the baby chick sun room.
They are store bought but for the little rooster, I hatched him from some eggs earlier in season, and only kept him because he had a splay leg as a chick, he is better now.
Here is the feed room side of my coop. (I got the chick above at 4 weeks old, and gave him to the welsummer hen he is with who had a hurt wing. I think helping to raise the chick healed her wing. The chick is now about 9 weeks old or more.) Also note the buckets out to catch rain water.
This other side is just a walk through area, or in this case rain shelter for the hens. All my ad ons look terrible, but they are functional, and in good use. I may or may not change a thing.
Would anyone else like to show their "ugly coop" with pride?