Uh oh... is this bad?

Year of the Rooster

Sebright Savvy
11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
West Central Ohio
Today I saw my EE, who just turned 4 weeks old, eating some wood shavings... We don't buy them. We get them from a friend of ours who makes different wood furnitures, for free. (the shavings not the furniture
) Is this bad? If they've been doing this for a while now wouldn't there be problems by now? I felt her crop and I barely felt anything, so it's not impacted. Does this mean its time for grit? I would like to know to help prevent any future problems. Thank you.
don't know if it's real bad, but I do know that pine is not good for them to eat. Some of our chickens freaked me out once, they ate styrofoam. Nothing happened, just some funny looking piles in the yard the next day.
I have heard that if chickens eat wood shavings(however they get them, from bedding, outdoors etc.) they should have grit available.
Ok, then I shall get some grit!


Are you sure it's cedar and not pine? I've heard cedar is toxic to them, which is why you get pine shavings instead of cedar shavings. But these shavings are from our friend. They are not cedar, but they may be pine. It works great, I'm just worried about an impacted crop, etc.
lol your right, takes me a minute or two to remember which it is that you shouldn't use, like is it tylenol or asprin that you DONT give your dog. whichever i pick first, is usually the wrong choice. Hence, i dun make the big decsions.. lol
Yeah, I know. The first time she did it we were worried. then we watched her. What a very piglet she is. Black sex link with really pretty topaz feathers on her neck. She was named Cajun. She is now Hiccups.

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