Uh-oh, Respiratoy Infection. Natural remdies or support I can offer?


10 Years
Jul 23, 2009
Woodinville, WA
This morning I noticed one of my hens standing still, falling asleep on her feet. She moves around a little, but is mostly standing around looking sick/tired. I heard her sneeze a few times, and I think I heard some sneezing coming from the other girls too.

What would be good immune support? I scrambled up some eggs with cayenne and garlic. She barely ate, because she's just not feeling well. The rest devoured it, of course. I also made a mash with plain yogurt, layer pellets and cat food, and stirred in a couple packets of this:


I hope there's nothing in there that can hurt them...It looked like good stuff to me.

I'm out of AVC, but will get some today for their water.

Anything else I should be doing? I do have antibiotics as a last resort (Tylan), but I really hope they can get over this themselves.

First of all you want to rule out any other causes. So check for ammonia buildup in the coop--get down close to the floor level to really smell for that. Make sure there is no mold in the coop, and lots of ventilation. Also, take a really good look at your hens, especially the eyes, nostrils, and mouth--there is almost always some other symptom that would help you narrow down what you are dealing with, if it is a disease.

I would take it easy with the greens to go--I don't see anything bad right off, but there are a lot of weird ingredients in it and it's not made for poultry. With the ACV make sure it is only 1 tab per gallon, and not a metal container. The plain yogurt mixed with their layer diet is good, and should help with a low appetite.
There don't seems to be any fumes in the coop, but I did find a poo that was molding.
This hen was broody, so she was spending a lot more time in there than any of the others. Maybe that's why she got sick, and the rest seem fine. She is still sick. No change. She stands around kinda hunched up. I've still heard some sneezing. Her breathing seems labored, and I think he comb color is a little off. Somewhat purplish at the ends, which tells me she's not getting enough oxygen. I think she may have something like pneumonia?! Maybe brought on by breathing mold spores?

She's eating and drinking very, very little. Yesterday I tried separating her to a small pen with food and water right there, but she still didn't take it, and I think it was stressing her out, so I put her back in with the others. I haven't seen her take a drink, but of course I'm not watching her 24/7. I had a sick hen once that wouldn't eat or drink, so I made a thin gruel type mixture and got her to take it by holding her in my lap and pushing her beak into the liquid. That's the only way she would take it. That hen did eventually get better. I wonder if I should do something similar with Buffy, or just see if she can fight it off? This is day 3 of her acting like this. I'm pretty worried. I would hate to lose my only broody, as we just got a rooster and were hoping to raise chicks this year. Besides that, she's just a really sweet and good-natured hen.

Thanks for your advice!

My favorite EE hen, Shirley, got sick like that. I took her and put her in a cage in the house (basement area of course), and I gave her electrolites and put some duramayacin in her water, and I ran a vaporizer on her. She was in the house appx 3 weeks but she's as good as new and outside again!

Gave the whole flock the duramayacin in their drinking water just in case, because I did hear some sneezing.

She was really sick her breathing was gurgly and she was just puffed up, not eating with the others.....

I really think running the vicks in the vaporizer for her helped alot! I just used my mom instincts and though well, if I don't try it, she has NO chance....

It worked out well!

Good luck!
Thanks, Sharon. that gives me an idea...I do have oxine, which is a disinfectant used against mold and fungus also, I believe. I have read that you can "fog" your chickens with this to treat upper respiratory illness. I wonder if it would work to put it into a humidifier, or if only the water would be evaporated, and the active ingredients left behind...
I have not read about oxine, but if you try it, please let me know how it works!

Crossing my fingers for your chicken!


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