One of my girls decided (first time ever) to lay an egg in the run, which is only about 2.5 feet tall. It was on the opposite side, so I had to try to get to it with a rake. Well, I broke it in the process (ugh!). As soon as I realized what I did, I said "CRAP!" and sure enough all 4 hens went to town on it. I was able to get to it before they finished it off (by ripping up the apron on that side and shoving my hand under the bottom), and washed away the yolk with a hose so it wasn't left behind as a tasty reminder. I'm afraid they'll become egg eaters now
If only the run was 'walk in'. I could have just walked in and picked the egg up.
I really with HC wasn't so darn expensive!

If only the run was 'walk in'. I could have just walked in and picked the egg up.