uh oh. Tore the gall bladder. Can I still eat that bird?


14 Years
Nov 22, 2009
Western NC
I ruptured a gall bladder on one chicken I butchered. I hosed it off well but it left a green stain on the skin on the back. Will it taint the skin or the meat underneath it? Should I pull the skin off and discard it or discard the whole bird? How bad of a booboo is that?

not too much of a bad booboo

usually washing it cleans it and its good to go

if it stains then just cut that part of meat/skin away

its can be hard sometimes to cut the gall bladder away from the liver sometimes it tears when pulling it

but as long as you remove anytraces of the green stain your good to go
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If you cleaned it off real good it won't hurt you and you may not even notice any off taste, but if you're still concerned that that area is tainted, just carefully cut away the tainted bit of skin/meat/whatever. I would definitely still eat it, but I wouldn't sell it to anybody. So, basically, not a big deal IMO. Yes, you don't WANT to rupture it, and it's an inconvenience, but generally I find people make too big a deal over it. Enjoy your chicken!
It won't hurt you, but it is bitter. I would cut away just the small area that is stained.

In the future, when you pull the guts out, remove them off to the side away from your bird.

At that point, I remove the liver and set it even further away. Then I pick through the guts, keeping what I want and throwing the rest into the gut bucket. Then, I remove the gall bladder. It is not near any meat I want to keep. I use a sharp knife and I cut away a small amount of liver with it. That way there is no chance of breaking it, but if it does break, it can't get onto anything but the one liver it was attached to.

I set aside 3-4 gizzards before I clean those.
Thanks. I think I punctured it with my fingernail as I pulled it out. Lesson learned: trim your nails before eviscerating. :/ At least I didn't cut myself this time, so I reckon I'm improving.
Hiya..so, question...what if you accidentally cook it with the rest of the innerds..and eat it, is it ok?

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