Hello guys! Just thought I would pop in and say a huge HELLO to everyone! I have posted another thread but I thought it rude to not pop in and say hello, my bad
. Well this is my story, dont worry il keep it short!
Im 25, I live in England, Bristol to be precise, and am the very proud dad of 2 beautiful little khaki girls. I got them at 9 days old and they around 31 days old now. And THEY ARE MY WORLD!!!! I love these little guys and am so glad I found this forum of people who understand because my family and friends just dont seem to get it! (and some other "un-named" forums were just extremely rude! But I bigged up the BYC and left!
) The girls are due outside soon, dont really want to let them go just yet
. Im currently in the stage of building DUCKTOPIA, my island of dreams where my ducks will live out their days eating worms and swimming around. (Il post pictures on completion). But again, A massive hello to all you wonderful people and im glad im finally part of the family!