Uninsured Motorist Vehicle Insurance. Do you have it?


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I received my insurance renewal in the mail with a form asking me if I wanted uninsured motorist insurance. I didn’t really understand what uninsured motorist insurance was until I phoned my insurance company. They explained to me that uninsured motorist insurance covers an accident involving an uninsured motorist. In the event my car is damaged or if I am injured, having uninsured motorist insurance will cover damages and medical bills. I asked her did my last policy have it and she said no. My last car was 10 years old which may be the reason I didn’t have the insurance. I purchased another car last month, so now I am not sure if I should get the uninsured motorist insurance or not. What do you all think? Do you have uninsured motorist insurance? AND. Why or why not don’t you have it? Is it worth it? Just curious to see what other think about this.
That a good question I also went yesterday to get my new car put on my policy They had me inital by uninsured motorist insurance that i dont want it I got home and started thinking should I have it??? So many people out there with No insurance
It was worth it to me when an uninsured illegal immigrant hit my car. No one could even get in touch with her after the accident, but my insurance paid for the damages.
I have it. Years ago my father was hit by an uninsured motorist. Since then, everyone in my family has been careful to have it. It's worth the money.
We have it, and our cars are over 10 years old. It doesn't raise your premium much and there are so many without insurance, I think it is a benefit you should not be without. We carry, comprehensive, liability, and uninsured motorist, never had to use any of it.....but life is not over yet!
I have it. Only because I will be darned if someone with no insurance hits me, do I want to be left having to pay for it out of my pocket!! It is sad that we have to cover for someone with no insurance!!! Sort of defeats the purpose in my opinion.
Mine is only a few bucks to add it and it's worth it.

I was hit several years ago by a hit and run driver. The uninsured motorist insurance covered everything, no deductible.
Same thing happened to me, only it was a he. My insurance had to pay for a new truck for me, and they didn't raise my rates.I always add it, and it's now required by law in South Carolina. Considering the benefits of it, it's not very expensive.

DH got smashed into by a 16 year old texting while driving. Totaled his truck. She said she was with Geico, got her ticket and drove off - texting.
Turns out her Dad hadn't paid for insurance, just the down payment to get the card. Our uninsured coverage paid for a truck for DH as well as his medical treatment.

So yes, I highly recommend it. There a LOT of people driving with no insurance!
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