I have an order from Cackle Hatchery for 55 Delawares due to arrive on March 30th. I also have an Order from Central Hatchery for 100 RIR due around April 20th. 3rd and lastly I have about 30-35 Cuckoo Marans next friday that a friend of mine is hatching. Today I went to the local Atwoods down the street and I was there to buy 2 chick feeders and 2 waterers and I heard the peep peeps on the next aisle. Next thing I know I bought 15 Pullets, 40# or medicated chick starter, 2 feeders and a waterer. I got 7 black sexlinks, and either 8 Buffs or RIR, I can't tell. They are around 4 days old I think and are running around and peeping.
I am getting the RSL to raise to rotate my flock of 25 RSL that are 1 year old. I am going to start breeding Delawares, Rsl from a RIR roo and Delaware hens, Wellsummers, Arucanas, and maybe White Leghorns.
Here they are!
I am getting the RSL to raise to rotate my flock of 25 RSL that are 1 year old. I am going to start breeding Delawares, Rsl from a RIR roo and Delaware hens, Wellsummers, Arucanas, and maybe White Leghorns.
Here they are!
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