UPDATE; 24/9 -Poorly Muscovey Duckling, Lethargic & Blue Tinge to Bill


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Female Muscovey duckling aged 5 weeks. Listless, blue bill, not washing itself. Been a lot of fighting recently between mum & older siblings, it is possible that this little one may have got caught in the middle - possibility of internal injury??

Just wondering if there is any other illness/disease that this could be before we cull her?

Many thanks xx

UPDATE; 24/9
From this point she went downhill very quickly. No feeding or drinking and then rigidity/paralysis and so she was culled.

I noticed another duckling yesterday looking a little under the weather. It has worsened slightly today. Lethargic, small amount of diarrhoea, no appetite for food or water. Is being taken to the vet today for a diagnosis. This one does not as yet have a blue bill/cyanosis but it is slightly darker in appearance than its siblings.

We have clipped the wings of the older siblings that were flying in and fighting so no chance of it being due to internal injury. The other thing that cyanosis makes me think of is poisoning?? Does anyone know plants that would be damaging to ducks? There is ivy in their run but apparently it is only the berries that are poisonous - these are young shoots that dont have berries on.

They are fed on growers pellets mixed with water and have constant access to clean water. Since the fighting last week they have been sharing a run with 10 small chickens, there has been no fighting etc between the two.
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Oh, so sorry. I do not have an answer for you though. I have muscovies myself and I am always worried one of the ducklings will get hurt while the big ones are sparring. Hope someone can help you.
Thanks ozark, little one is eve worse now, cant lift its head when stroked - just squeaks gently. Have left my dad to cull it. Sad that I'll never know what caused it tho.
If there was a lot of fighting going on in closed spaces, it is very likely the duckling got caught in the crossfire.
If you have other young ones, you may want to separate them for thier own safety.

I am sorry this happened to you and the duckling.
Thanks terrie, as I have edited above the wings of the elder sibling have now been clipped and they can no longer get in the run. The older birds are totally free range with access to a lake and several acres of lush grass, I have no idea why they suddenly started fighting with their mother (the new babies were 4 weeks old when fighting started)

I am at a loss!
Second duckling went to vets, was given oral anti biotics and the vet said 'oh, they are prone to this sort of thing'. Unfortunately I have no idea what sort of thing (My mum took it as I was at work). Little thing was found dead in house this morning.

I have extra anti B's should any of the other show signs and the sooner they get them the better their chances.

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