UPDATE! Please help, Goose beak torn badly (pictures)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
I went out to feed my animals and found the female Toulouse goose in the corner of her coop. I believe she got into a fight with a stray cat (she is very territorial) and it tore her beak apart to where her tongue is hanging down the bottom. It looks like bottom beak that holds her tongue in is torn off or separated. When I got her out to look at her she will walk around and she even stuck her head into her water bowl but I am not sure she drank. She went over to the corner of the coop and sits down. There is blood on her chest and neck but no injuries, it seems to be blood from her beak, where she is laying her head on her chest when she sits down. Do you think there is any chance for her? What should I do, what would you do. She is a pet and I really would like to help her survive.

I have the Vetericyn Gel but I was afraid to use it since it is a gel...I did not want to clog anything. I was going to go get a the liquid in the morning. Do you think I should dilute the gel and use it to help prevent infection over night?

Thanks in advance for any help.



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She needs to see a vet ASAP. I don't know if she's going to make it, but she needs to be seen by a professional.

I'm so sorry. Good luck with her.
I am so sorry!
OMG it looks like a murder scene!
I agree she should probably see a vet because the beak/face area is very sensitive and you may not know exactly whats going on breakage wise.
If it gets infected or she loses the ability to eat and drink there's not much you can do.
I hope she gets better soon
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There is no vet in this area that will work on her. I found an Avian vet two towns away but since it is after hours I had to leave a message on the emergency line but that was over two hours ago and they haven't returned my call.

I checked on her just now and she is up and walking around in the coup. I just don't know how she is going to eat, how will she chew her food without a bottom beak? That part that you see hanging down is not her beak it is her tongue!

I am not only hurt about this but I am mad as a hornet because the dang neighbors won't keep their cats contained. They keep feeding any and all cats and don't fix their cats so there is babies being born all the time and I find them in my barn and chicken coups during the day. I let all my animals out in a fenced area every day to free range and their coups are open during this time so they can go in if it rains or if they just want to go inside. In the evenings I lock all animals up for the night. I have found a cat more than once in their coup and it has never bothered the chickens but my female goose is very territorial, and has been overly aggressive the last few days....she probably went into the coup, seen the cat laying in one of the nesting boxes and went after it. I know it happened in the chicken coup because that is where the blood is.
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I don't see anything to tape or glue together at the last 3/4 of her beak on the right bottom side. The left side of the beak seems to be there..it is just the right side that seems to be missing so much. There is a little piece at the joint of the beak that is sticking out that looks like might be what the bottom beak use to be attached to. The whole bottom of the beak is gone.
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Oh my, I gotcha now...

Honestly, I don't know WHAT to do in this situation... can you separate her and clean her up and maybe offer her some type of more liquid food until it at least scabs over? Something she can slurp up? You may have to use a medicine dropper until you can figure out if she can in fact eat with her mouth like that... So sorry you AND she are dealing with this!!
You are not going to be able to fix that kind of damage. A stop-gap measure may be to slap some duct tape over the area until you can get the bird into a vet.

Is it still bleeding? Stopping the bleeding should be the first priority.

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