Updated with Pics Waiting Game Begins Day 18


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 14, 2008
Just transferred eggs to hatcher. Now i join everybody else waiting for the eggs to hatch. This is the hardest time for me to wait. I will be at the bator every extra sec checking on things. I have 5 white Leghorn and 7 Campine eggs. Hope everything goes good. I only had to throw away 2 campine and 1 WLH that were bad. All others still look good. I am also trying to hatch in the carton, so I will post the results with pictures as they come in. Thanks everyone on this board.
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Good luck!
Can someone please explain "hatch in the carton" for me I know that is showing my lack of knowledge but if I don't ask I can't learn. I tried to find it else where but that is where my lack of knowledge hurts me as well LOL jean in UP of MI (freezing from 3 months of waking up to below zero weather)
I have 3 pipped today. I am so excited.

Can someone please explain "hatch in the carton" for me I know that is showing my lack of knowledge but if I don't ask I can't learn. I tried to find it else where but that is where my lack of knowledge hurts me as well LOL jean in UP of MI (freezing from 3 months of waking up to below zero weather)

I read about it in another thread. It is where you hatch the eggs in a carton after you take the eggs out of the turner instead of laying them on there side.
If I did it right this is the link to find more info.

Just an update I have one Campine chick almost out and 5 more eggs pipped. I should be asleep by now but I can't sleep with things happening so fast. Will post pictures later.
Well I think the hatch is finished. We got 4 Leghorns and 4 Campines out of 5 Leghorns and 7 Campines. We still have 3 eggs in the bator and one chick died after pipping. The egg carton worked great and I think the results were good. The leghorns were from my chickens and the Campines were shipped.


This is of the first ones to come out of the bator. I will post more pics when the others are ready to come out.

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