URGENT!!! chick has wet eyes....


10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
Mesa, Az
I just looked at my buff orpington chick and its eyes are watering and it keeps scratching at it and it looks like it might have cut the outside of the lid on one eye. What do I do? I am not sure if its nose is running either, it has wet feathers all around the front portion of its face.
Please help, I don't want to loose another chick. Is it contagious?
You always have to asume its contagious, however, in chicks if one has it the others have probably also been exposed. How old are the? Are you sure it didn't fall in the water? Are they inside or outside? What kind of bedding do they have?
Pine shaving, inside, the rest of him isn't wet, she is probably a few weeks or so, she has most of her wing feathers in.
Here are some pics.. her laft eye is the worst.



I'm not big on heroics with chicks, but I would separate her if you can stand the peeping that will probably ensue, get her on some poly-vi-sol. and clean her eyes gently with 1/4 tsp salt in 1 cup water, gently warmed, use a cotton ball a couple of times a day. Put her on paper towels so you can observe her poop. If you can get raw apple cider vinegar a tsp in a quart of water. Watch her and brood mates for any other symptoms.
First thing I'd do is get some antibiotic ophthalmic ointment from the feed store. If they don't have any, just use Neosporin (generic is fine) from the drug store.

If this is a respiratory illness, it won't cure anything, but it could just be an injury or irritation. (Chicks do tend to peck at each others' eyes.)
This morning I lost 2 black cochins both of my frizzles, but my orpington is still alive, barely. I am going back to the hatchery and he said he would give some antibiotics for her. I barely had them a week and have already lost 3 and one more looks like its on deaths door..
I am soo depressed.. the other one look like they might be getting it as well.

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