URGENT: Gosling, Wild and hurt foot


7 Years
Oct 8, 2012
North Carolina
It smells! We were just able to 'catch' it and the smell is strong. There are MAGGOTS. It's still walking and active. We are guessing it's a turtle bite.

My DH has it in a box (the parents left it across the street) and is applying peroxide, hoping to kill the maggots. I'm online trying to figure out what to do next!? PLEASE HELP! Giving up isn't an option :(

I have some Medicated Poultry Crumble ~ is this strong enough to use for medicating? I'd rather not use an injectible antibiotic since the gosling is so young and I'm quite inexperienced.
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I've called around and no one (local) is capable of caring for wildlife/waterfowl. I've got a call into a rescue center a few hours away ... just looking for some direction for now
Well, since it's wild it's technically illegal to house anyways. Take it to a vet and have them euthanize it or do it yourself. You're breaking the law.
I'm not going to just euthanize it, losing a leg is not worth taking its life. I was able to find someone that could care for it until it could get to the rescue center. It is alive and doing well. I'd hate to think someone would take such advice and stop looking for help. I'm glad we didn't give up..

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