Urgent Help-1 day old chick


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
I have got 25 1 day old chicks today. This specific one is a cornish rock. Annie is what we named her. Well she appears to have something wrong with her eeyes they are like closed shut half way and have some gunk on them. We have isolated her from the rest of the crew, for fear of them catching it, if its not a birth defect. She is also the smallest one of the cornish, though i have dipped her beak in water and she has drank. And i have seen her eat food. She is in the house with us in a smaller box w/ beddding and a regular desk lamp. But she is peeping like crazy for the other chicks. Does anyone have anyidea on what we should do?
I wish I could but the batteries inmy camera, are completly dead, and its too late to go out and get more, so i can't

Its mainly clear w/ kinda a yellowish tint. My youngest sister is out there w/ her balling because shes not looking too good. I hope she makes it.
Did you try cleaning the eye with some contact solution and wiping away the gunk? Maybe someone pecked it? Just make sure it's eating and drinking.

This little guy is a cornish rock meaning a cornish cross right? I see you have named it... if it really is a cornish rock, you do know that it is a meat bird and will be ready for dinner in about 2 months right?
Yeah a cornish rock, i'm not sure if its a cross though or not. Its a meat bird and we are butchering them all at8 weeks. I did not name it my self my younger sister and my youngest cousins named almost all of them. It could have been pecked, but I'm not sure. Its drinking, but it doesn't seem to want to eat, but it knows where the food is andit has accees to it if it is hungry.

I'm try the contact stuff.
Suprisingly shemade it through the night. She doesn't look very good at all, so in a way I wish that she would just go.
Hi Keisha,

I am very new to chickens so I may not be the best person to give advice. But I had a similar chick. At four days old I notice one was smaller, listless and kept one eye closed.

It was suggested to me to isolate her as you are doing but to also give her honey water until she was stronger. I mixed honey in a little bowel of water and spoon fed it to her. She bounced right back and her eye opened up a day later.

Someone also reccomended some crumbled up boiled egg. that will help give her some energy.

Just what was reccomended to me for a similar issue.

Good luck and let us know how she makes out!



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