Urgent- Injured neck and overheated

TX Chick Noob

DH says I'm obsessed with my chickens 😂
Premium Feather Member
Just went out to check on the chickens and found one had gotten her neck trapped between the dust bath and a 2x4. It is 100 degrees out, not sure how long she was like that. I got her to drink a little then brought her into an air conditioned building. She is just standing here. I know I need to clean the wound but not sure what else. There may be some damaged feathers. And need to get her temp down. Help.

She is a 9 week old ISA Brown.

Edit: She's a little more alert and trying to eat and drink a little. Her water has some Hydro Hen in it. Getting my small cage so she can stay in the building for awhile.

Edit: she is still just standing. Not trying to walk or lay down. If I hold the food or water up chest lever she tries to eat or drink. But she isn't holding her head up very far to swallow so some water leaks out the side of her beak. The beak doesn't seem damaged.

I have her in a small cage and put it where the AC won't blow directly on her.

Which means Squeak is in jail, but luckily he tolerates that pretty well.
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Sorry that you didn’t get a reply earlier, but you have done just about what I would do. I would also put a little plain antibiotic ointment or cream on the wound a couple of times daily. Do you think that she may have been forced into the place that she was stuck, and the others pecked her? Once she is healing well, and when she is let out, supervise for awhile to make sure that she is not being bullied or reinjured.
@Eggcessive Thanks so much for the reply.

I don't think she was pecked or bullied. I think she was probably trying to get a bug and it was like a kid who puts their head through a stair railing. There was a little bigger gap at one end and she moved to the tighter areas and couldn't get out. I have moved the dust bath tub where it isn't up against anything now. But I will definitely monitor when I let her out with the others. The main reason I still have her in the crate right now is so they don't peck it.

I will try to put a little neosporon on it with a q-tip. I wasn't able to clean it very well but hopefully the vetricyn killed any germs. I don't have the one specifically for poultry but this one says it is safe for all species. It worked great on an open wound my cat had and I liked that is was safe for them to lick off.


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