*URGENT* What to do? PICs included


11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
I posted pic/question yesterday and got one reply. And from info I recevied I think some of my girls have Croyza. Pic one is of sick girl yesterday 3-14-09


Pic 2 is her today 3-15-09. WHAT do I do? is there anything I can do? I have sulmet in all of the chickens water including hers. Can and will this improve or should we put her out of misery?

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Yes that does look like Croyza. I found this info. If you can find this medication it might work. So sorry to see her like that.


Flock medication with a sulfonamide or antibiotic is recommended. Various sulfonamides -- sulfadimethoxine (SDM), sulfaqumnline (SQ), sulfamet hazine (sulmet) are all effective; however, sulfadimethoxine is the safest and the one prescribed as treatment of choice. SQ and Sulmet are more toxic and require intermittent administration. Therapy in the drinking water will give more immediate response and reduce the severity of the disease. Feed administration of the sulfa or antibiotic does extend the period of treatment for better control. A combination treatment approach is advisable. Administer medication in the drinking water until medicated feed can be provided. Antibiotics that are beneficial include tetracycline, erythromycin, spectihomycin and tylosin. All are safe and approved for use in poultry. Control cannot be accomplished with drugs alone. Management is equally important. A bacterin is available that can be used in a control or eradication program. The bacterin requires multiple injections to be effective which makes it costly and cumbersome for commercial flocks. Control requires attention to flock sanitation, biosecurity, preventive medication, clean and sanitary premises, and disease-free replacements.
Does she smell bad? This could certainly be Coryza, certainly. I agree with putting her down, poor thing, and I would do that if she was mine. You can treat, but if it's Coryza or similar infection, she will most likely be a carrier and infect others. My solution is not popular, I know, but separating the ill birds then culling is the only thing I would do. Then disinfect and hope the others do not come down with it, though they were exposed.
I have 13 birds that I may have to cull and I don't know if I can do it. I am so sad right now.
I also have a silkie chick who is wheezing and won't open her eyes. And just noticed one of my EE's with bubbles in her eye.

The pus smells pretty bad.

What is the best way to do it? To end it I mean?

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