Vacation and chickens?


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Iron Station, NC
What type of arrangements do you make for your flock when you go out of town?

We have 9 pet chickens and finding someone whose not afraid of the roos is becoming ridiculous. A friend took care of them a couple of weeks ago and it turned into a nightmare. Our pet sitter can do them but won't pick up the roos.

They're hand tamed, used to be picked up and are no problem. You *might* get a nip or a leg thwack from the cochin but other than that, they're a piece of cake!

Anyone in Lincoln County NC that knows of a sitter?

I'm curious to hear what you all do.....

Depending on how long you'll be gone, you could remove the rooster temporarily, just while you're gone, to a cage if you have one. I have a large, plastic dog carrier that I will use if someone is afraid of the roo(s). Also, I have a horse stall that I've converted to what I call my quarantine pen - I put chicken wire over the top and on the sides where there are gaps in between the wood slats so even a juvenile can't escape, and it can still be used as a horse stall when not being used for chickens.
I've got one roo that stays with the girls during the day but he sleeps by himself on the porch in a pet carrier. He's easy and prefers to spend his nights that way.

My other three roos are housed separately. Two have a sleeping box and a 10x10x4 dog kennel with a roof that they stay in. The other roo has the backyard and a sleeping box. The only thing that needs to be done is making sure they get in their box.

They're kind of spoiled and have to have things a certain way or they get panicky.
you need someone they are used to.. i have found when strangers come over they aren't as tame till they get used to them..they act totally different with a stranger.. maybe you can find a neighbor teen to come over before taking on the babysitting so they are used to it and know what to expect
Great idea! That's why I'm hoping I can find a pet sitter whose not afraidn that I can count on. We actually don't have any teen neighbors, though. :-(
Now you know why we never go anywhere together anymore. No on wants to drive out this far, and the roos are a problem here. Sigh......

Hope you can work something out!
we went on vacation when the birds were just 6 weeks old. Second night in the big coop. We found a friend of my Ds, who is in FFA, and had chickens too. A little cash for the week, and all was good!
Maybe you could post a "help wanted" flyer at the feed store where you buy supplies? I've been thinking of doing that since we travel quite a bit.

Since I have a lot of other animals we always have a friend stay at the house when we're gone, but I'm noticing that there's a distaste around cleaning the chicken coop and when we come home it's somewhat neglected. I believe in cleaning up as much as possible each day because I don't want to deal with smell or flies but I can't seem to convince anyone else to do it my way...

Good luck.

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