Vaccinating my chickens and ducks

Is it necessary to vaccinate my birds.
Hi, welcome from Louisiana, glad you joined,

What would you vaccinate for? Do you have any specific background that would make you think you have a special need to vaccinate for anything?

We all have different histories and conditions. Many of us, including me, do not vaccinate for anything. I don't have a history of any problems where vaccinations would be indicated. Some people do so vaccinating makes sense for them. Some people make make you think that if you don't vaccinate for something civilization as we know it will change and not for the better. I'm in the group that unless I have a reason to do something I'm not going to do it.
I just didn’t know and wanted to get an opinion from somebody that knows.
Hi, welcome from Louisiana, glad you joined,

What would you vaccinate for? Do you have any specific background that would make you think you have a special need to vaccinate for anything?

We all have different histories and conditions. Many of us, including me, do not vaccinate for anything. I don't have a history of any problems where vaccinations would be indicated. Some people do so vaccinating makes sense for them. Some people make make you think that if you don't vaccinate for something civilization as we know it will change and not for the better. I'm in the group that unless I have a reason to do something I'm not going to do it.
Do you know if they've already been vaccinated? Whether you want to vaccinate or not depends on how comfortable you are with taking risks, and how bothered you'd be if the risks you take result in sickness and death. If you have a large flock of livestock birds you don't get attached to, you may not care if some of them die. But if you have 5 pet chickens that have names and are part of the family, the equation changes. In that case losing half (or all) of them to a preventable cause can be quite distressing. Marek's is a risk. You may never encounter it. Or you may lose your entire flock to it (plenty of evidence to both outcomes from people on this site). Do you want to take that risk? I don't.

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