Valiant silkie roo protects flock by fighting a hawk!?


6 Years
Aug 19, 2015
My little silkie roo protected his girls today when a hawk actually flew in the coop. He stayed in the lower run of the coop and grappled with the hawk until i ran out to scare the hawk away. All the girls were safe in the upper level of the coop. He's got a few boo boo's but i think he will be ok. Anyone with experience or advice about cleaning and dressing wounds? Antibiotic ointment?
Some neosporin on his wounds will be a-ok! My rooster has had plenty of attacks from hawks and a little bit of neosporin and a daily check to make sure its healing right is the way to go.
I'm thinking about adding a larger breed rooster to my flock for this very reason. We have so many hawks in my area. Do you find that your rooster is valuable in protecting your girls from hawk attacks?
That is a courageous chicken. We need more people like that! And yeah, neosporin and check it every day and your good!

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