Vegetarian Raccoons?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 21, 2009
We have a pair of neighborhood raccoons that i would swear have converted to strict vegetarianism. They show no interest whatsoever in my chickens. They are only interested in the avocados from the tree that stands perilously close to my coop (in a neighbor's yard)

I even let my chickens free range (under a watchful eye) while the raccoons are in the tree and they could care less.

Has anyone seen this before?
Raccoons are omnivores just like we are. Right now they are enjoying their fruit course of high in fat avacadoes.

But sooner or later they're going to want to move on to the entree...

The avacodos don't try to run away. I will bet you a Big Gulp that when the fruit is gone chicken will be on the menu. If I were you I would get rid of them .
I would not get rid of the raccoons. More will just move into their territory if you do and you will be worse off than you are now. Personally, I would just make sure they have something available to eat besides my chickens. Like put out a pan of dog kibble or kitchen scraps or something when the avocados are gone. That, and make your chicken coop/run unattractive to them.
dude, DO NOT feed the raccoons. When the avocados run out, make sure your coop is SECURE because that will be the next thing on the menu. Hopefully they'll move on looking for another food source.
Sorry bad idea, these raccoons will breed and you will have a whole herd of racoons. Trust us, they will go after your chickens and make short work of them.
Do not feed the Raccoons ........... eliminate them they probably have babies somewhere right now and when the babies are 6-7 weeks old they will accompany Mom and Dad to the Avocado Tree, and guess what else?

So maybe Mom and Dad aren't that interested in Chicken but Junior may have a sweet tooth for Chicken and guess where he can find it....right next to Mom and Dads favorite tree.
Unless you protect your chickens and Coon proof their home I think this will end badly.

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