Venomous Snake: Friend and Foe



Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
Yesterday dog and kids found this Osage Copperhead about 15 feet from back of barn. Dog got bit keeping us late with treatment. She has been bitten by a copperhead before so we know the drill. The snakes do it small rodents to be sure but they have been causing some challenges to be sure. The poison species like this one are hazard for kids and cause down time for dogs protecting flock. We suffer some egg losses to Black Rat Snakes and I have had dead snakes fowl fencing on more than one occasion. Catch and release on property does little as the snakes have pretty good homing abilities. This will be something that will take some time to figure out.


Dog was already bitten by time of this photograph, otherwise I would have to be pushing her back from snake. Daughter still learning what snakes are not good to handle. This kind hurts, some pretty ones smell really bad.

Dog on bed being treated for bite. I did not know something was up until she went straight into house to lay down on hour human bed. She does that only when not feeling well. She got bit on left side of face which was swelling by time of photograph.
I thought I was the only one dealing with this.
The other night about 930pm, i went out to collect eggs and right on top of the eggs (not eating them) there was a copper head. In 4 years of having chickens, chicks, and eggs I've never had a snake in the coop. A few black rat snakes around the coops, but never anything venomous. I attribute this snakes appearance to the recent rat colony that has moved under my chicken coop. I have(I think I have) taken care of the rats, and since that day no more snakes ( about a week now).
I don't mind the snakes when I know they are there and can keep myself and the family away from them but, if I had not had my head lamp when I went to the coop that night( I usually didn't wear it before then) I would have gotten tagged by the snake for sure.
I believe that everything has a purpose and nothing deserves to die. Snakes are incredible for keeping vermin under control, their venom has been used for so many medical related treatments, they are beautiful and it is not their fault that they look the way they do. They have helped us so much and it’s about time we realize that they’re just trying to find a way in life, and the way they do that is killing and eating animals and their eggs. Hmmm, come to think of it, many—MOST humans on earth eat animals and their eggs too. Don’t just kill when you see one, let it be. Kill when one is threatening you or your animals. But always try to relocate first. Miles away and it probably won’t find it’s way back. Just my opinions.
I'm not going to drive to the Land Between the Lakes to find and kill them, but one that close to my baby? You bet. Copperheads are super aggressive and strike so quickly. My 3 year old only weighs 39 pounds and has epilepsy. That could have easily been your child that tried to poke it with the stick she's holding instead of your dog. That is a venomous snake with a nasty attitude.

As I read this, my young son asked why there are so few animals and why many are endangered.

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