Venting in winter - vents close to roost


May 17, 2017
Long Island, NY
I’ve tried to find answers on other forums, as I’m sure this is covered already! We bought a Quaker coop last year and I had a question about venting in the winter. Should we keep this vent open on the left or the windows on the right in the winter? Or do not keep either open because of proximity to the roosts and find an alternative? Our pop door is usually open all the time to the run. We live in Long Island in New York.
Best way to check for draft is to go into the coop when it's windy, and feel for a draft where the roost is at. You can bring a ribbon or a piece of tissue paper, something light, and see if it moves during wind gusts. Open and close windows/vents during the test to check which is causing drafts, if needed.

Other than the windows/vent shown, is there any other ventilation in the coop, like up in the eaves?
Which way your coop is orientated can determine which vents to leave open as well. I personally would close up the one by the roosts, and hopefully it's not on the prevailing winds side of your coop. I also might keep the windows closed when temperatures are lower.

I do agree standing out there will help you determine which way stuff is moving and whether it's a draft or just ventilation. Every coop is different.
The peeps that build these coops do get a nice chunk of change for them, so I assume they do know what they are doing.
I read the above suggestions, about testing on a windy day for drafts. Totally agree with that.
Only suggestion I have to add is this one.
If you do find there is a considerable draft present, get some Furnace Air Filters and fasten/attach to the left side opening above the roost. This way airflow is still there, but not fierce as wind/draft. You can also attach some filters onto the windows on opposite wall.
Springtime just remove or throw out the filters for warm weather venting.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and :welcome
Just because you pay alot of money for something doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of people prefer beauty over function.
Ok a couple things. The coop looks nice. Here is what I believe you should do. Check to see if you have vented soffits on both sides. Side of the roost bars is low allowing intake air. Side over the nesting boxes is high which would be your exiting air. If they are in fact vented which I really hope they are try that first with Windows and vent over roost both closed in the winter. The next thing I would do is add a ridge vent if you feel that having two vented soffits (if they even are) is not enough. Personally I would add the ridge vent and here is why. Now with both soffits vented they will both act as intake air and the new ridge vent will act as exhausting air. Use this ridge vent "Shingle Vent 2" ridge vent or one that looks just like it.
Not all ridge vents are created equal.
All your air exchanges in the winter time will now happen well above the birds head. Summer time open everything up. Even though you buy something it doesn't mean you can't do some minor changes to drastically improve it's performance. The above listed items should be able to be done at minimal cost.
Next item the roosting bars themselves should be turned 90° so that the wide side is what the birds are resting on.
Sorry to be a downer but you asked so I answered. I do highly recommend you make the changes. Also you will need to clean off the ridge vent from snow after a snow storm for it to work.
Love your coop its beautiful! I agree you could turn the perches so the birds have a wider surface to perch. They will keep warmer if you do. Also I would close the window behind the roosts. You could add a vent on the opposite side of the chicken entrance up high especially since the chicken door will stay open. Is there any way to take a window out and flip it so the screen is at the top? If you could do that on the window farthest from the chicken door you could prop it so it is open a little bit and no need to cut another hole for a vent. My two cents, love your coop though :thumbsup
The peeps that build these coops do get a nice chunk of change for them, so I assume they do know what they are doing.
:lol::gig You know what they say about 'assume'. This one is not too bad, but I'd guess that most coop builders/designer have never had chickens.

Furnace Air Filters and fasten/attach to the left side opening above the roost.
Not a bad idea..tho you'd want them on the outside so the birds wouldn't eat them.

Just because you pay alot of money for something doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of people prefer beauty over function.
Ditto Dat^^^ x1000

Check to see if you have vented soffits on both sides.
It looks pretty apparent that the soffits are closed, no light coming thru and blocking visible, which is a darn shame.
Wonders if they could be easily opened?

@sarahbarah would you please post some pics of your actual coop, inside and especially outside...far views all around and up under the roof overhangs(soffits).
Is your run weather proofed?
Any chance those double hung widows open from the top too?
How many birds do you have?
Oh, and...Welcome out of the BYC closet!...I see you've been a member for a long time but this is your first post.
:lol::gig You know what they say about 'assume'. This one is not too bad, but I'd guess that most coop builders/designer have never had chickens.

Not a bad idea..tho you'd want them on the outside so the birds wouldn't eat them.

Ditto Dat^^^ x1000

It looks pretty apparent that the soffits are closed, no light coming thru and blocking visible, which is a darn shame.
Wonders if they could be easily opened?

@sarahbarah would you please post some pics of your actual coop, inside and especially outside...far views all around and up under the roof overhangs(soffits).
Is your run weather proofed?
Any chance those double hung widows open from the top too?
How many birds do you have?
Oh, and...Welcome out of the BYC closet!...I see you've been a member for a long time but this is your first post.
Thank you everyone for your quick & detalied responses!! Thank you for all the suggestions too (roost turning included haha) I've only been a passive listener on BYC so far but I want to be better prepared for winter this year so I figured I'd post something, so I really appreciate it :)

Some info:
-we have 9 chickens!
-the run has a roof over the whole thing (clear corrugated PVC), we wrap the sides with some cloth for the winter to make it less windy/stop some snow from blowing in
-there's no other ventilation in the coop - no soffit vents - other than the windows and long vent by roost
- the windows face South so the vent is facing North

We are willing to modify anything if we think it's necessary so I will look into air filters or ridge vents on top of possibly cutting into the coop closer to the roof! I'm not sure about the windows opening on the top portion yet.

We thought we were buying the best coop but then we got our chickies & we realized there were things we didn't even know to look for ha anywho here are some outside pics:

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