I have a Dominique x Easter Egger cross who is barred with no apparent leakage from her mother. I wanted to make sex-links out of her, so I put her with my RIR rooster. She was separated with him for 2 weeks before I started collecting eggs so that I could make sure there were no genes mixed in from her Dominique father. All 7 eggs I set from her hatched! 4 were black with a white spot on their head which I am assuming are male (since the barring gene only passes from the hen to her male offspring). Out of the other three, one is black with a white tummy and a tiny bit of white on the edges of the wings (but no head spot), and the others are brown with chipmunk stripes (they almost look like EE chicks, especially the muffed one). I'm assuming these are female, but I wanted to make sure! Photos are attached. The 4 chicks I am presuming are male look exactly the one with the head spot in the first photo, with the exception that one has muffs. I appreciate feedback, thanks!