Very bloody egg

Weird, somebody else just posted almost the same thing yesterday, must be the time of year. If it is just a one time thing I wouldn't worry about it, figure it was just a bigger blood vessel rupture than normal, since small ones are pretty common especially in older layers. The Poultry Site article has a list of possible causes if anything else rings a bell
Here is the thread of the other persons
It's just frustrating not knowing who it's coming from and now I'm worried about selling the rest of the eggs and having it happen to someone else.

My hope is that it was a one time vessel rupture. I don't think the egg was sat on and started to develop, plus I think I would see veins...
I had a welsummer that started laying those every time she laid an egg. After 6-8 months she stopped laying altogether. If you can zero in on which chicken it is, you may check on this.
I haven't found another one like that yet (or heard from somebody that they did) so I'm hoping it was a one time thing...I just wish I knew what chicken it came from!
try isolating one chicken at a time to check which one lays bloody stuff. Can also check the chickens for signs of inflammation blood on the feathers and other abnormalities.

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