Very Discouraged


12 Years
Jun 4, 2007
Central Arkansas
I am so discourage right now:( I have lost all of my french cuckoo marans, buff silkies, a turkey, and several other chicken to a fox. Thank goodness DH shot it.

Then I've lost 2 buff orphingtons to heat. It's been so hot.

I had 100 cortunix quail eggs and 30 hatched.

My parents have been sick and I have been gone every 3rd day to spend 24 hrs for the end of the summer the first part was 24 hrs at the hospital and 24 hours at my dad's and then home for a day. I've been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Artheritis and Diabetes. I have felt so bad this summer. When I come home from my parents exhausted and hurting.

I have another bator full of quail eggs and a few java eggs in a bator but they are not looking too good.

I have less chickens now than I did last year when I started hatching so many

I'm sorry I'm just having a pity party.

Thanks for letting me share.

I don't mean to sound preachy here
, but you need to take care of yourself or you WON'T be able to care for anyone else, or your chickies. I don't have RA, but I have OA and DMt2 (diabetes mellitus type 2, or adult onset), and I know either by itself can make you feel awful, and the two together can really do a number on you. Your main challenge will be getting enough rest to be able to take care of yourself, your family's needs, and your parents' needs. It may also take some time to find the right combination of meds for your optimum health. I hope you feel better very soon, and please remember that stress is a KNOWN aggravator of many conditions, including RA and DM2.
As much as you can, factor in some "down time" (I don't mean down as in sick, I mean down as in relax and recharge your own batteries time), and remember that you are in our prayers. Regards, crtrlovr

eta: I forgot to add the obvious: I am so very sorry for your losses..
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Shucks. God bless you and your folks and good luck as you grow your flock again. Glad the fox is gone.

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