Very sick chick


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
Dacula, GA
I hatched 12 Easter eggers last week. They are 10 & 11 days old and the youngest is showing symptoms of Mareks. His one leg and wing seem paralyzed and this has gotten progressively worse. After reading about this disease, is it possible to get it this young (10 days)? I isolated him from the others. The others seem fine, but will they also get sick? What should I do to give them a better chance of not getting sick? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I thought Marek's symptoms started around 3-4 months of age. If you hatched them yourself, can you think of how they could have been exposed? I'm betting its something else. I would keep it isloated, and give it some poly~vi~sol without iron and see if it responds. I hope its ok!
I'm confused about paralyzed, is it out to one side? Mine never really used their wings until they were older.

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