VERY SICK little Showgirl Pullet... Worried Mommy!


9 Years
May 11, 2010
Borger, TX
So, 2 days ago I noticed my little showgirl pullet's left eye was crusted shut. I took her out, cleaned it, it opened and seemed fine otherwise. I gave her a bath with dawn dish soap and puppy flea and tick shampoo just in case of external parasites and isolated her in a seperate cage. Yesterday there wasn't much change in her eye. I took her out and cleaned it and noticed once when she blinked something white deep down under her bottom lid. I held her eye open and squirted saline solution in it and rubbed it with a warm damp q tip till a nice size chunk of feed came out. I figured this was what was causing her irritation and thought her eye would finlly heal. Just in case I kept her in isolation again last night (I put her roo with her cause he was freaking out). This morning shes worse than ever. She seems to be gasping and wont eat or drink (I forced some water down her) can barely lift her head or open either of her eyes. I noticed little bumps all over her body too that look like bites but there were no bites on the roo and nothing in the cage, not even an ant.

I tried to take some pictures with my phone but they didnt come out so good. Maybe you can get the idea?

You can see some of the flesh colored bumps on her neck here


This is her good eye that she wont open now. You can see a lump on the front corner of it.


You can see the big lumps on her left foot here

Thats the bad eye. You can see it's all crusty and swollen. You can see more of the bumps on her neck here.


Edited to add: She's wet in the picture from me flushing her eye.
Edited again: Do these pictures work?
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Could she be reacting to the puppy flea and tick shampoo? That stuff can be toxic, especially for different animals. Poor girl.
p.s. none of your pictures are showing up on my screen...
I took her out to clean her eye again and noticed the inside top half of her beak looked crusted with food or something. I cleaned it out with a q-tip and tweezers. I think it was food but it was crusted up in there good. Then she threw up whatever water I had forced down her. Im getting really worried.
Look closely to see if there are any external parasites. If none, my best guess is fowl pox. The only thing you can do for that is do everything you can to keep her eating and drinking.

Keep trying everything else people suggest, it is a guess on my part.

If she keeps eating and drinking, she will survive but if it is in her eyes she could go blind. It is spread by mosquitoes and there is nothing you can do other than vaccinate to prevent it.
I was thinking wet pox, since it's inside the mouth, however, I am unaware that it gets on the body. It could possibly got other places besides the face, wattles and inside of the mouth.

I would do a search on wet pox. If that is the case then she will need antibiotics and you'll have to get the scabs out of her throat.

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