very small 3 weeks silkies, is that right?


10 Years
May 20, 2009
Cape Cod
I brought home 3 week old silkies this weekend and I have to say they are very small and seem to eat a lot less than our mixed chicks when they were 3 weeks old. Do silkie chicks grow slower, and do they eat less?
pix of the chix
Yes, they eat way less than a standard breed chick. And they will be much smaller overall, forever. My 8 week old hybrid chicks are the same size as my adult silkie roo, the silkie hen is about the size of a 6 week old standard chick.
hmmmm, will they be ok when I merge them in with the other chickens being so small? It never occured to me that they were so much smaller. When I picked them up I kinda scratched my head at their size.

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