Good morning!
If any of you have thoughts on the seven eggs we've gotten in the last two days, I'd love to hear them... Here's the story.
We have two 8-month-old RI Red pullets who lay very reliably. We also have a black Americauna hen, a Barred Rock hen, and three Araucana hens (one of whom is molting). Our RI Red rooster is most definitely not laying eggs. The birds are completely free range and have two preferred nests by our house, among other spots they've abandoned. Our older birds have largely stopped laying eggs lately, or else they're hiding them somewhere and we can't figure out where. However, we find two brown eggs every day almost without fail, and occasionally one of Dixie's "jumbo" Barred Rock eggs. This week has been a puzzle.
On Thursday, we did not allow them out of their coop because of gale-force winds that accompanied a nasty Nor'easter that hit us starting Wednesday night. They stayed in and cozy with food and water and a little cracked corn as a treat.
Yesterday morning, I went to let the birds out of the coop and found three eggs (two brown, one blue) in the coop. They went out happily and I heard a great deal of cackling over the course of the day. We checked all of the nests on Wednesday evening after the birds went to bed and brought in the eggs, so I know they were empty as of Friday morning.
Yesterday afternoon, I checked one of the nests and found three small brown eggs and thought that very strange.
This morning, I checked the other nest and found FOUR small brown eggs.
We only have two small brown-egg layers. Any thoughts?
- Norah
If any of you have thoughts on the seven eggs we've gotten in the last two days, I'd love to hear them... Here's the story.
We have two 8-month-old RI Red pullets who lay very reliably. We also have a black Americauna hen, a Barred Rock hen, and three Araucana hens (one of whom is molting). Our RI Red rooster is most definitely not laying eggs. The birds are completely free range and have two preferred nests by our house, among other spots they've abandoned. Our older birds have largely stopped laying eggs lately, or else they're hiding them somewhere and we can't figure out where. However, we find two brown eggs every day almost without fail, and occasionally one of Dixie's "jumbo" Barred Rock eggs. This week has been a puzzle.
On Thursday, we did not allow them out of their coop because of gale-force winds that accompanied a nasty Nor'easter that hit us starting Wednesday night. They stayed in and cozy with food and water and a little cracked corn as a treat.
Yesterday morning, I went to let the birds out of the coop and found three eggs (two brown, one blue) in the coop. They went out happily and I heard a great deal of cackling over the course of the day. We checked all of the nests on Wednesday evening after the birds went to bed and brought in the eggs, so I know they were empty as of Friday morning.
Yesterday afternoon, I checked one of the nests and found three small brown eggs and thought that very strange.
This morning, I checked the other nest and found FOUR small brown eggs.
We only have two small brown-egg layers. Any thoughts?
- Norah