the one time i didnt lock up my hens i come down to a racket in the coop this am to feed the babies, my dog was raising holy heck on the back side of the coop. i finished feeding grabbed my shovel ( dont ask me what i was going to do with a shovel LOL) and went to investigate and there it was a big ugly coon penned on top of the roof of the shed next to my coop. GOOD DOG.. anyway what to do..... i went to get gun... locked in safe.... cant open... cant remember combo UGHHHH .... this is my husbands safe mind you and i dont like to shoot but i was going to do something... called hubby he was going to come home and shoot it... cant wait that long called neighber who was trying to help me trap them ..something had been getting to the babies a few weeks ago then stopped when i set out traps go figure. Well long story shorter lol friend showed up shot not one but TWO ugly coons.. strike one up for the chickens and the guard dog steak dinner for him tonight....