Video chickens at -50f Alaska

I'm from Fairbanks. Growing up I had a horse and barn but not chickens. The biggest problem in my barn with my horse at -50 was dookie freezing so hard I couldn't get it off the floor and it would just build up. Do you have a thermometer in there to know what the temp is? Sorry if I missed it. It must be warm enough that you're able to clean out poo ?? Hey man, respect! Fairbanks is tough.... My family is at Big Lake now, way easier for chicken keeping....
It stayed about 40f inside the coop and I had a wireless thermometer inside the house so I could check on them.
The floor was ice cold no matter what, had to chip out the litter
I even had a backup generator to keep them warm in the event of a power outage. My electric bill went through the roof!!! The eggs would freeze in the box if I didn't get them within about 5 min of laying.

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