villainous ATTACK


8 Years
Oct 27, 2012
Some unknown Offender attackt and kill'd my not so Prize white Wyndott Hen. There are many Feathers scattr'd around for about one Meter, and her Head Neck and Back are Gone. She was in a fenc'd Area and underneath a scrub Oak Tree. I cannot discover, the responsible Animal, tho. Any useful Assistance, in this Matter, will be gladly Accepted.
It could have been anything, up to and including a stray dog.

If you would like some useful advice, here it is: pen your birds up in a safe pen. If the predators can't get to them, they can't kill them.

If you allow your birds to wander around loose, then just accept that some of them, maybe all of then, are going to be killed. There are dozens of creatures who will kill chickens. Everybody likes to eat chicken.,
Lost a Beautiful Americauna hen to either a possum or raccoon as it either reached thru my flimsy cage or crawled under. went for the head though and couldn't drag out the body. "Junior Steve" didn't make it but we got "Junior Steve II" and she produces the most beautiful green eggs. Re wrapped entire cage with chicken wire. Good luck. but my bet is on a raccoon.

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