
Crossing the Road
Apr 4, 2017
Sandusky Ohio
I was just wondering if it would be beneficial to give my now 3 week broody hen vitamin B 12 drops? I do make her come out several times a day to make sure she is eating/drinking and pooping but thought it might be an added boost for her. Any thoughts??
She doesn't have any eggs. I know Vit B 12 can help give them a little boost in times of stress, illness etc. Just thought it might help since she isn't eating and drinking and moving about like she normally would.
I know...that's why I am asking about the B 12. I prefer to let nature take its course and let her finish it out.
Finish brooding nothing? She may sit the nest all summer. In that "nature taking it's course" she could loose a lot of condition. Continual broodiness can have a long lasting ill effect on a hen's health. I strongly suggest that you give her fertile eggs, chicks, or break her.
Finish brooding nothing? She may sit the nest all summer. In that "nature taking it's course" she could loose a lot of condition. Continual broodiness can have a long lasting ill effect on a hen's health. I strongly suggest that you give her fertile eggs, chicks, or break her.
Is it the best thing to "break" a broody hen?
My hen is EXTREMELY Broody - she is still caring for her 7 week old chick, laid 20 eggs in 20 days - and is now Broody - AGAIN.
I want to do what is best for her. Any suggestions? I only have the two birds.
Thank you!!

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