
10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
After a fiasco with my brooding hen's failed hatch, we were cruising along merrily with our 20 eggs in the incubator, Day 11, happy embryos, when Boom- tonight, out of nowhere, the bator temp soars to 110. It could have been as long as 3 hours. I'm staying up to attempt to stabilize the temp. Meanwhile, I candled 3 eggs. One is dead. One is iffy. One, the most active embryo, seems alive but very calm and lethargic compared to how much it normally moves.

Has anyone had any good outcomes with such a spike? I would really, really like to hear them.

I had a spike on this hatch up to 109. I have 3 hatched out perfectly healthy out of 4 eggs so far. So, dont give up hope just yet
Just what I needed to hear, 4hchcknmama and crimsonrose. Some were still alive last night about an hour after temp spike, and some more may be too- there are 4 I haven't cand;ed yey. Tossing out the dead eggs that had had a big happy face and a number 14 on them (meaning doing well on 14th) was really hard. I just hope it doesn't spike again while we're out! It seems to be working fine- I'm wondering if my kids' friend fiddled with it.


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