walking on her elbows


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
New Hampshire
Just curious-i got mature hens a couple weeks ago and didn't notice right away that one walked on her elbows and her toes kinda curled in. I chalked it off to being just a deformity until she started to walk somewhat normal a few days ago! (I wouldn't say she walks like nothing happened)what was that all about and should i worry about her getting this condition again? she's a red sexlink i think about 1 and a half years. i have no clue if she's laid eggs recently or not-i have 13 hens mature enough to lay eggs and only one bossy broody one we call grammy. so we get eggs but it's kinda secretive who gave them up!!
Yes! as far as chickens go, they're as cute as buttons!! She jumped off a hay bale today and landed kinda awkward like she was still babying herself and then she walked normal. no more crooked toes! weird

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