Want more, want more...isthis normal?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
Ferndale WA
Well, judging from most of you folk, it is

The 4 chicks we have are a little over a week old. We want to get just two more. Do we have to separate them? For how long? Our current chicks are so sweet, two will already walk into my hand when I put it into the brooder. Will the new ones change the dynamic of the others? I want buffs, already have 2 Amer/1 BR/1BA.
this is totally normal
. the only problem is.... 6 will NOT be enough. eventually, you will have to have your own incubator, hatcher, and a bigger brooder, then large chicken yards outside.....it never ends.....

LOL I fully agree with lilbreeches! For the past 15 years I've had a small flock of 7 - 10 birds. I've always been happy with my small flock of ladies...all I ever wanted was their fresh eggs so I never bothered with a rooster, and the one time I did, I gave him away because he was mean to my girls.... And then I joined BYC. People were hatching and raising fuzzy butts and making homemade bators and hatching and getting so excited waiting and posting batorcams and all the time my eyes were getting bigger and bigger and then I started stealthily collecting things, hiding styrofoam meat boxes and hydrometers and ripping the fan out of a dead computer...and then I pre-warning my DH that I was going to hatch some eggs and he just laughed....until I told him that he'll be building another chicken coop soon.

Normal? What's that?
I second that! It will happen before you know it, and there is no way to stop it. lol

Yep, I have already reached this point in just a year! It's a horrible, horrible addiction
Yup!! ADDICTION with no cure other than more chicks I have fallen victom to it also It started my son wanted chickens then you ordered ten, you wait make a brooder and wait start building a coop go to the feed store chicks..... chicks.. OMG you have a brooder all ready done with nothing in it
O no !! PLEASEEEs PLEASEEEs Mmommy please can we get TWO U cave in..
now your hooked 2 turn into 5 than than you call and up where you order your chicks more more 10 turn into 24
the coop gets bigger Than they are differant ages you need smaller coops Rabbit hutch PRRRfect you look on craiglist
"BINGO" you find one for free
Yaaaaay it turns into a small coop and then the five move in! here comes the
Chicks into your brooder and suddenly their ready to move out but..but.. the coop
isn't quit ready Mmmm ???? I'll build a small one
out of culled wood from Home Depot 4X6.. so you do, then the 24 move in Intergrade
chicks with older chick.. spilt the the yard in half they mingle in the day go to each Pad at night for about 3 weeks than one night when the coop is done
you put them all in the new coop you go to bed worry worry
all night you get up open the door they all run out relief.. there all good
(you worried for nothing)and one big happy flock.
SPRING is coming you start all over, we just order 30 more chicks this spring that will arrive at about 3 weeks apart 1st order in May
Yes, this is a horrible addiction to be afflicted with. I keep thinking "I could probably fit just another one or two - breeds I don't have already..." I am considering going into hiding because I may have more clucks than I'm allowed...maybe...not admitting I do for sure...pleading the 5th.

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