!~! WANTED ~!~ Barred Rock or Black Jersey Giants in Monroe Ga area

Wish you were closer. I have 4 pullets and a roo a little over a month old. I'm 40 miles on the opposite side of Atlanta from you
They are barred rocks.
I need to sell some of my young ones as I am getting too many. I have a flock of french bc marans, a flock of blrw's and a small group of bbs orps that I plan on keeping. All of those should start laying in spring and then there are 15 welsummer chicks that I will keep the pullets and 2 roos from, and 7 RIR chicks about a month and a half old, the 5 barred rocks, 3 silver maran chicks (a roo and 2 hens that I'll keep), 3 rare heritage turkeys and a pair of splash giant cochins! I am overrun with chickens but I love them so I keep at it, lol.

Ugh....I doubt I'll EVER find what I'm looking for. I wish I liked bantams...ARG! Those'd be EASY to find...
I got into contact with someone today that knows the Secretary of the Rock Fanciers Club...gave me his contact info. I have a "phone date" with the guy tonight at 8:30 CST. Only...he doesn't know it yet! lol

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