WANTED - Brown Egg Bantam Pullets - No IL


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
Waterman, IL
Looking for source (retail or private) for about a dozen brown egg bantam pullets. Specific breed doesn't matter. Can't order bantam pullets from anywhere (straight run only). Will also post @ local feed & co-ops. We're near No IL Univ/DeKalb IL area.

I've checked the board for shows & for-sales but didn't see anything near us. Thanks, in advance!


I saw an ad on another board (I don't think they'll let me cross-post) for bantam orpingtons and black langshans here in Central Illinois.

The e-mail addy to contact is petrey10 at hotmail dot com.

Good luck!

And if you can wait another few weeks, the first Kankakee swap meet of the year is quickly approaching -- there's always lots of bantams there!
ArrowChicken, when is the Kankakee meet? I looked on the shows section here on this site & didn't see anything. Doesn't mean I didn't miss it, either, tho! I can definitely wait a few weeks. Sure hope this show isn't the same day as the Horse Fair up in Wisconsin. I hate it when there's a conflict & I want to do both. Kankakee is only about an hour - 1.5 hrs from me. Easy drive! Is there a website for that facility that I could check the date? Thanks, bunches, for the email address, too. Depending on the date of the Kankakee show, I'll give them an email. TIA!!!!!


Here's the link to the fairground's online calendar .

The first swap of the season is Sunday, April 6. Be there early (pre-dawn) as the gates open at 5 a.m.

Here's admissions info courtesy of an old post from MotherGoose...

Gate Fee:
Buyers - $2.00 per adult
Kids are free

Sellers - $10.00 truck
$20.00 truck w/ trailer

Open 5 a.m. - Noon c.s.t. (they start letting sellers in to set up around 4:30 a.m.)

Hope to see you there!
Thanks, bunches! Of course, after I asked my dumb question I looked a little further & found that very post. Sorry to be such a dingbat. I have all dates on my calendar & will try to be at one of the springtime swaps. Dont' know if it'll be the very first one but at least one of them.

Is there a way to tell a BYC vendor? I'd like to shop with/from friends
. TIA!!!

Waterman IL

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