Wanted: Hollyhock seeds


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
I really dont have much to trade, as I am just getting started in heirloom varieties of plants, and know the hybrids dont breed true. I would be happy to pay for postage and time though!

I'm looking for any sort of old hollyhocks that will breed right from seed. I got a start this year on enclosing my chicken run with hollyhocks but I need lots more!!

If you have any you'd be willing to sell me, let me know please!
I have a few black hollyhock seeds if you'd like (Dark purple color). I gave some to a neighbor so I don't have a lot left, but you are welcome to them. PM me and I'll give you more details.
I have a bunch of seeds from my hollyhocks. They are a mix of pinks, reds and light yellow. They are old ones from seed I got from my mom. I know they aren't hybrids, because they seed true. They are all single flowered. Let me know if you are interested.

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