Wanted neutered rooster ANY BREED

Sunny Chicks

6 Years
May 18, 2013
Looking for a sweet, docile rooster of any breed to add to my flock of 13 hens. I'm located in Central Massachusetts US
Thanks in advance
Are you looking for a capon? Caponizing isn't common except for when doing it for meat purposes, so you might have a hard time finding one. Roosters aren't 'fixed' regularly like cats and dogs are. You might have more luck if you posted on your local craigslist that you were looking for a capon, and also in your local thread on here if you haven't already. Otherwise, if you decide to go with a regular rooster instead, I'm sure you'd find a nice boy right away. Most people jump at the chance to send their extras to a nice home that isn't going to eat them :)

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