Wanted-NJ-clean legged Silkies


11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Southern NJ
I happened to get a clean legged Silkie from Ideal and now I want to breed more of them-easier to keep clean.
Does anyone else have some?

edited 3/20/09
Any color except white thanks.
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Thats because Ideals stock is inferior, and probably crossed with anything that clucks... Most Silkies are going to be feather footed, some more than others.
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I have some from ideal, they dont have much feathering. they are 4 weeks old. I should be in Boonton the last Sunday in march or you can pick up in NY if you are interested.
Make your own! LOL Will take some time as feathered legs are a dominant trait... but you can do it
I say why not! LOL A silky feathered bird with clean legs. Not a bad idea .... especially in muddy climates
I didn't realize that there could be clean-legged Silkies. However, if that's a trait that you desire in a Silkie, I'm sure that there are many people on the board who have such birds.


I think I have some PQ white silkie hens(They are non-bearded) like that. they still have little feather on their leggs, though. but, not like my bearded blue or splash silkies from the Breeder. If you are interested in them, let me know. I'm from N.E. Pa. Noriko.

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