WANTING in Arizona: Bantams / Seramas


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Hello All,

I am new to this site, I am looking to get 2 chicken hens, would prefer Bantams, Ideal would be Seramas.
I am in Maricopa, Az & I can drive to pick up if the bird is right. I am looking for smaller chicks, would like unique colors/patterns if possible. Egg production is not an issue, just would like them as pets and to help eat the bugs that pop up in my backyard. Also, if they are quiet birds, those would be ideal to, just don't want the crowing, lol.

Message me and let me know what you have or however this site works.If your a breeder or have them & you can send them to me, also let me know. I am looking to get them within the next 2 weeks (would like them now, haha)


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