This is Lily my doe whos 16 weeks tomorrow. She is an unmaned lionhead. I would like to breed her to my double maned lionhead who's about a year old (we adopted him after the previous owners discovered they no longer had the time for him). They are both the sweetest little darlings and always come to greet me when I go out into the garden (from their separate runs) the other bun in the background of the pic is another adoptee. She is a Dutch/dwarf cross who is 5 years old so too old to breed. Her and my baby bun Lily have bonded completely, all 3 are unneutered.
For some reason my pic of Sooty won't upload but I'll try again later as he is gorgeous I'm sure you'll agree!
Anyway, I'd like to breed my lionheads in the hope of gettkbg single lionheads and then in a few generations, get some doubles in the mix.
What age is best to start my female though? I've read different things from 4 months to 8 months to start lionheads. What do you do? I don't want to harm her development or do anything to affect her health by doing it too early or too late and with winter coming up I want to be sure on the timing. I'm living in the uk and all 3 buns are in outside hutches.
Should I bring her in before she kindles? Cold weather here will be starting any time soon and ends around March time when spring finally sets in x
For some reason my pic of Sooty won't upload but I'll try again later as he is gorgeous I'm sure you'll agree!
Anyway, I'd like to breed my lionheads in the hope of gettkbg single lionheads and then in a few generations, get some doubles in the mix.
What age is best to start my female though? I've read different things from 4 months to 8 months to start lionheads. What do you do? I don't want to harm her development or do anything to affect her health by doing it too early or too late and with winter coming up I want to be sure on the timing. I'm living in the uk and all 3 buns are in outside hutches.
Should I bring her in before she kindles? Cold weather here will be starting any time soon and ends around March time when spring finally sets in x