Warm/Hot legs

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6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Edit: Please please respect this and don't talk about her not walking! I've already accepted it.
Not asking about her not walking. Just letting you know that she can't.. My other post last week talked about her no longer being able to walk. I'm only asking about her leg temperature.
Our house pullet named Flying Eagle, who is 16-17 weeks old, can't walk anymore which is why she's now a house chicken.
Anyway, I noticed while holding her that her legs felt really warm.
She's acting normal, drinking & eating fine.

Should I be concerned?
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It would definitely be concerning to me if my chickens suddenly couldn't walk. Unfortunately, I don't know what would cause that other than injury or infection though. Hope you get some good advice! For the time being, I would be sure to give some extra vitamins and electrolytes, poultry nutridrench is great stuff.
It would definitely be concerning to me if my chickens suddenly couldn't walk. Unfortunately, I don't know what would cause that other than injury or infection though. Hope you get some good advice! For the time being, I would be sure to give some extra vitamins and electrolytes, poultry nutridrench is great stuff.
I'm not asking about her not walking. She's been like this for a week already.
It would definitely be concerning to me if my chickens suddenly couldn't walk. Unfortunately, I don't know what would cause that other than injury or infection though. Hope you get some good advice! For the time being, I would be sure to give some extra vitamins and electrolytes, poultry nutridrench is great stuff.
I'm asking about her leg temperature
People please!
Please just help me with her leg temperature. I'm no longer concerned about her not walking. I've just accepted it and she's a lot more happier being indoors where none of the other chickens are stepping on her
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