Warranty expired

A.T. Hagan

Don't Panic
12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
North/Central Florida

It never fails. As soon as the warranty runs out they start to fall to pieces.

Feathers everywhere lately. Must be Fall!
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Warranty expired, lol. Same scene here, looks like a feather pillow factory exploded!

On a more serious side note, how do you keep the ground cleared like that? I know it's shady, but I have shade and vines are growing like a jungle. The chickens won't touch them.
I'm on the sand ridge so the ground is pretty poor under those trees which is why I'm running the tractors through there. We're also slipping into a drought so nothing much is growing right now.

I couldn't get it to show very well in a photo but I have another tractor where it looks like they've had a pillow fight every morning when I go out at dawn.


My daughter's going to have lots of feathers for her quill pen project this year.
I thought I was mostly done with the moulting this Fall. NOPE.... this morning it looked like I lost a hen
She just started blowing all her feathers over night. I had to do a head count twice!! There were so many feathers all in one place like she shook and a they all fell out.
Poor girl I hope they grow back before the rains start.
A.T. Hagan :

It's that time of year again. Looks like a coon got into my rooster pen there are so many white feathers all over the place.

I actually believed that one of my chickens had been killed by a predator! So many feathers!

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