WAS so frustated! Now very happy! Update on pg. 3


Dense Egg Goo
9 Years
Mar 22, 2010
Sacramento CA
I ordered a coop from a builder on November 12th, 2010. That's when he got the deposit. Since then, it has been delay after delay, the builder has been VERY difficult to get a hold of, and it is now well past 3 months since I ordered it. The contract says 4-6 weeks, and his emails stated 3-4 weeks. I am so incredibly frustated and this jerk had NO clue why I am frustated! I have been waiting on this coop way too long, and this morning the coop guy emails ME and says he doesn't know why I am frustated but he doesn't want to deal with me and will be sending a refund. I told him numerous times if he could bring the coop by this weekend I definately still want it... I don't know.. I am so frustated, and heartbroken that this whole mess turned into what it did. My girls were expecting a big 8x6 NICE coop, I cleared the land and area it was going in, I have taken days off work to meet him and then no call and no show, I have changed interviews to meet his times. I am utterly burnt! I need a coop, but my only price options are metal or plastic prekit sheds because I don't think I can afford wood for 400 dollars.

I told him my work field is customer service, and if he wanted a person to handle calls and customers (BECAUSE HE NEEDS ONE) I would be happy to do that! He got very rude and spiteful in the response email, and I felt like I was dealing with a 4 year old rather than a grown man... ARG!!!!!! Am I crazy?!

What would YOU guys have done?
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You say you have a contract? I would sue him for breech of contract. He promised something...you have it in writting, and he didn't deliver. PERIOD! I would look for something comparable to what he was offering and then sue him for the difference. Thats just me.

Unfortunately you are still in the doghouse now and lacking a coop.

By the way, you are not crazy! You trusted him to do what he promised...he is a jerk for screwing you over.
Thanks, it is good to hear. I am so dissapointed and so confused as to why He can't understand my frustation! Hello! I have four chickens waiting on this house, that was supposed to be done the end of December at the latest. Plus, he was so hard to get a hold of, he had a message phone and returned calls a few days later. How can he not understand my frustation?? Ugh..

I have some friends who have kindly offered to help build me a coop, and though it won't be what I was going to get, I think my girls will be happy for a bigger coop regardless. Now I have to go to home depot and return the handles I got for the shutters.. I am also going to post a BUYER BEWARE on Craigslist so nobody else has to deal with what I did. I have the contract and it clearly says the time frame, and such. I just want my refund and to be done with this! It almost made me want to rehome my current flock and say forget the whole chicken thing, but I really really love my girls and that wouldn't solve much I don't think. They have a coop that will work as a temporary fix until I can get something together.. But I am feeling pretty dumpy right now. And very very aggrivated.
He sounds like an Idiot. Take your money back and find someone else! He is OBVIOUSLY not a good person to do business with. I would have asked for my money back after the first no call no show.
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You know, he probably *understands* your frustration, just does not feel like he's in a position where he can *say so* or do anything about it.

If he's returning your money and baggin' out at this late date, I would bet a fair sum of money that he has not even begun constructing the coop and perhaps used your payment for something else (e.g. maybe returning money to some previously-disappointed person). An awful lot of creative money-shuffling can go on, be it with pro contractors or with backyarders-trying-to-make-money.

Make sure you get that money back pronto. There is no point in the hassle of legal action if you get it back, but do make sure you ARE getting it back!

$400 wasn't the price for this 6x8 coop, was it, surely not? So, can you just wait til you get your money back from him and then use it elsewhere for a decent coop?

Good luck,

I agree...it makes no sense to sue someone over something like this if you get your money back. And at this point, I would not give this person another chance to make things right...he won't. Some people are responsible. Others just aren't.
pat.. what you said,

"If he's returning your money and baggin' out at this late date, I would bet a fair sum of money that he has not even begun constructing the coop and perhaps used your payment for something else (e.g. maybe returning money to some previously-disappointed person). An awful lot of creative money-shuffling can go on, be it with pro contractors or with backyarders-trying-to-make-money."

HHandBasket told me the first time he noshowed and didn't call.. I could just
myself! I haven't even met him in person, I feel like a fool heh, but you know the saying! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on ME. Won't happen again that is for sure. Thank you all for the responses, makes me feel better and I am probably not in this boat alone. I should have gotten references.
heh. Live and learn!

The price for the 8x6 log cabin with 2' front porch 7' tall was 525.00 Originally I offered him 60.00 for gas but the second time he bailed on delivery I said I was taking the 60.00 for gas back. This has been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster and I am ready to GET OFF heh! Thank you all again, I will be getting 292.50 from him, and I have 232.50 in cash here. I need to spend about 60.00 on dog and chicken feed but I will come up with enough to get a shed or something somehow. I wanted a shed originally, but needed wood, those are about 900.00 and I can probably get one of those in a few months.

One good thing came out of this whole mess. I was offered a full time job, (40+ hours a week 8.50 an hour) PLUS a 5th wheel to rent for 300.00 a month on a beautiful property where I can bring my chickens! I can bring my dog also, but need to get a 6x12 dog kennel because there isn't a secure yard. But this is something I have been wanting... since.. Well since I moved to this house. The people who own the property raise goats and a breed of chicken that starts with an A (I can't spell it). But it sounds like what I have been wanting with all my soul for! So I am keeping my chin up, and telling myself things will work out.
Bless your disappointed heart. I built my own. I am NO carpenter, but my girls are happy and they don't care that each wall is a different length. As long as I squint my eyes and tilt my head sideways, it looks perfectly straight. It's no log cabin and it doesn't have a porch, but I am proud of it. You can build a slightly skewered coop too................come over to the dark side...............MUHAHAHAHA

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