washing eggs?


11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Cameron Mills, NY
I just got a complaint about goose eggs that I shipped. The lady I shipped to said she had never got eggs that are dirty. I told her that you should never wash eggs that you are going to incubate. She responded by saying she used to not wash them but after washing them her hatch rate went up. To wash or not to wash that is the question?
This is a controversial subject. Next you'll be wondering what to wash them with.

Seriously, I'm not joking when I say that everyone has an opinion on this.
I say dont wash , not just because everyone on here is mostly non wash but becuase what I have read on online sites, in journals and magazines and in books they ether dont mentionit at all or say dont becuase you deystroy the speacail coating on the eggs and because eggs are porous and what you put on the egg can go into the egg.
I wash mine now. My experience has been there is no difference between washed and unwashing hatch rates. So I wash. Why have any more bacteria in an incubator than is absolutely necessary?

God Bless,

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