Hi! Do any of you wash your eggs? If so, how do you do it, and with what? If I have a lightly soiled one, I just wipe it off with a damp paper towel. What do you do?
If you are going to eat the egg wait until you are ready to cook it. If you are going to hatch the egg never wash it, at most wipe it off with a course clean rag being careful not to damage the bloom.
I don't wash mine but will wipe icky stuff off of them. Mom used to just go collect, crack, and cook them when I was younger. Guess I picked that up from her.
I am interested to know if we should wash them. I try not to "overdo" around here on the cleaning to a sterile environment as I feel we all need a few germs to keep our natural immune system going. Not that I keep a dirty house or never wash my hands!
But I just don't really feel the "need" to wash the outside of the egg if I am not going to eat the shell. And I always have to wash my hands after cracking an egg b/c I have YET to manage to crack an egg w/o getting some of the white on me!
I do what you do, just wipe off any obvious spots (like a small smear of blood) w/a damp paper towel, if the eggs are for me. But I do wash the ones I give to family.
love my chickens,
what do you use to wash them with? If I wash the entire egg and get the "bloom" off, I usually oil the shell. But I just use dishwashing liquid. Should I not be using this?
Eating eggs I use soap to wash them off, but only if they are dirty.
I don't even use soap...lol. I just dampen a napkin or paper towel with water (the ones I keep/use myself). Even the ones I wash off better for family, I just use plain water, but I actually hold them under the tap.